Offset your

business footprint​

Offset the environmental impact of your business operations by supporting CO2-reducing climate projects around the world.

Address your corporate

travel emissions


Calculate and offset the carbon emissions from your corporate travels.


Your payment supports certified carbon reduction projects that actively combat climate change.


View, track, and interact with your company's positive impact on your corporate impact portal.

Sign up to your

company impact portal

By signing up to the Shell Company Impact Platform, you get free access to innovative climate tools – and seamless access to the most impactful climate projects around the world. The platform is developed by Norwegian climate-tech company CHOOOSE, enabling your company to instantly calculate and offset your business footprint, and track the positive impact of your climate program. The platform lets you choose between a variety of self-service offsetting options, and enables integration of API-driven carbon compensation into your business systems- and operations.

Our plan is to reduce the Net Carbon Footprint of the energy products we sell in step with society’s progress towards meeting the Paris Agreement. That means reducing the greenhouse gases emitted on average with each unit of energy we sell by around 20% by 2035, and by around half by 2050

Ben van Beurden

Shell CEO

How carbon offsetting works

Spread the word!

Share your initiative and make a difference by informing other companies on the importance of offsetting.

© Shell 2021
